Good Fortune Came Our Way

Sometimes life comes at you fast.  One day we were driving a road that my wife bikes regularly just so I could see the area and 10 days later we were making an offer on a larger than we ever imagined property with her brother.  Well one month later we are the proud owners of 85+ acres of beautiful farm land that is only 10 minutes away from our current farm.  There is a lot of work to be done, but also a lot of possibilities.  We are calling this new land the Chestnut Mountain property, because as you can guess, Chestnut Mountain is the dominant feature.  We have already started working with Madison County Soil and Water to create a management plan that includes fencing off all the spring runs and creating alternative watering sources for livestock.  Our goal is to be good stewards of the land and keeping animals out of the water is the first step. 

This summer we will be running our summer camp at the Chestnut Mountain property.  There is so much more space to play, hike, and explore.  Well enough words, here are some pictures of the new place.