
Summer is ending, but the fun keeps going

So we have been working hard transitioning to fall farm life and getting ready for our Nature Preschool program.  Mushrooms are starting to come in, broody chicken is now a happy mama, and our fall plants are coming in.  Here are some pictures of what is going on.  We still have a couple of spots in our Monday, Wednesday, Friday session of preschool, check out the link under the Programs button. 

Busy, Busy, Busy....Chicks, Chicks, and Ducklings (updated)

So busy with chicks hatching (more than expected), chicks being delivered (why did we do this), and ducklings being delivered.  We decided to take two days worth of eggs and put them in the incubator and see what happened.  We never checked for fertility and just thought of it as a test run for the incubator since we had only tried the turkey egg.  Well 19 days later we had 19 chicks hatching out of 25 eggs put in.  We candled the other 6 and 3 were not fertile and the rest just never fully developed.  Not bad.  Good job hens and roosters.  Most of these are muts as the roosters are Marans and there are only 2 Maran hens, the rest are New Hampshire and Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks.  Here are some pictures and a video.  Have also posted pictures of the ducklings and chicks that we just got in today.  Pretty hardy creatures to survive the trip in the mail, a human baby wouldn't. 

It is so wild how quickly they go from weak looking creature to fluffy little chick, in a day!  Below is the video.  We are still registering for summer camp and we have started taking registration for our Nature Preschool. 



Rain Barrel installed on the Chicken Coop

We finally got the gutter system and rain barrel installed on the mobile chicken coop.  This is making life easier since we no longer have to haul water to wherever we have the coop on the property, we just fill up right there.  Things are moving along here on the farm as we get ready for summer season.  Don't forget about Summer Camp and our fall Nature Preschool!